Monday, March 31, 2014

Importance of Boundaries~

         Good Evening my Beautiful readers. I’ve missed writing in my blog, but I’m back and I’m back in full force. I have some great topics that I will be addressing in the months of April and May so stay tuned! Tonight’s topic is: Having Boundaries to help us cope with our bipolar. So why is it important to have boundaries?
          Well let’s think about this question for a moment. Everything in life needs a balance to it. If our world had no laws, chaos would be running rampant. So if that’s the case, then it applies to us as human beings too, everything we do needs to be in moderation, knowing this its our way of learning to live a healthy life while having mental illness. A boundary says where I end and someone else begins.
     From a personal stand point, when my bipolar was at its worst, there were times I had to pull back from a relationship or a situation because it was not a healthy environment for me to be in, mentally, emotionally and yes even physically meaning, when we don’t surround ourselves with positive people or drama, then it puts unnecessary stress into our path, which in turn brings us down instead of building us up and when our bodies are under stress it will affect us in a physical aspect too.
       We each have the authority what we allow into our lives, who we let influence us, what we watch, where we go, it goes hand in hand I think with what we value in this life. Having boundaries is a learning process to understand, where we draw the line, and what we feel will or will not affects us. I’ve talked about learning healthy coping skills; well this goes hand in hand because putting boundaries in our lives is part of that important process.
      There are situational boundaries, meaning the circumstances in our lives. Knowing when to step back and not let that situation overtake you, or when  to say NO,  that word we need to know when to say, when to step back and  say, I can’t handle that, or im already doing too much right now, we should not be afraid to say no, because we’re afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. We are doing all we can to stay stable and be pro active in our treatments and learning to cope with life.
   Then there is personal boundaries, we need to communicate in healthy ways to those people that we love who are in our lives, our spouses, our co workers, our children, our friends, be open and honest, don’t have false expectations of someone, and know when and what crosses the line. Know your boundaries and be able to express them in a clear and concise way and know others boundaries. Too many relationships fall apart, because those boundaries were not already set in place, how sad is that.
    This is something we all deal with in many different aspects, but rest assured even when boundaries are broken, they can be repaired, but it will take time. When there are healthy limits, and you are aware what you can handle, if you have enough strength, and the resources, we don’t always have those things. That’s ok.
     We want to be there for those in our lives, but there are times we need to step back and take care of ourselves, there is no shame in doing this, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and those you love and in some cases, we have to cut ties because the situation or relationship is just not healthy, and has nothing to offer to our emotional well being.

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